Page 48 - Curriculum Visions Dynamic Book
P. 48

acid 19,26,27
acid burn 26
acid rain 18, 19, 22, 23 ammonia 36,43 ammonium sulphate 43 anhydrous 34
arsenic 42
atomic number 44, 45, 47 atomic weight 44, 45, 47
bacteria 8,20
barite 12
barium sulphate 12 batteries 30,31
bleach 18,20–21
bleaching agent 18–21
blue vitriol 32
Bordeaux mixture 34, 42 brimstone 4,5,10 brimstone and treacle 5, 42 buckled ring 6
cadmium sulphide 12, 24, 25
galena 12,24
gelatinous precipitate 36 geysers 9
Glauber’s salt 32, 33 Goodyear, Charles 38 green vitriol 32 gunpowder 40,41 gypsum 12,13,32
reduction 20
reducing agent 20, 24 rhombic crystal 5, 10, 11 rubber 38
salt 9
salt domes 8
saltpetre 41
scrubbing 17
secondary battery 31
silver 33
silver sulphide 25, 44
smog 22
sodium chloride 9
sodium hydroxide 23, 25
sodium peroxydisulphate 20 sodium sulphate 32, 33
sodium sulphite 20
sodium thiosulphate 33
SOx 22, 25
sphalerite 12
strong acid 18, 19, 26
sulphates 12,32–33,43 sulphides 8,12,16
sulphites 18,32–33,42
sulphur 4, 6, 44
sulphur bridge 39
sulphur dioxide 5, 9, 14, 16, 18–23,
sulphur, flowers of 7
sulphur trioxide 19, 28, 29 sulphuric acid 16, 18, 26–31, 34,
sulphurous acid 18, 19
superphosphate 29 tarnishing 25
vanadium pentoxide 28 Venus 9
vulcanisation 38–39
warfare 40
water of crystallization 35 weak acid 18, 19
wet batteries 30
World War I 40
zinc 8, 26
zinc sulphide 12
calcium sulphate
carbon 26,27
catalyst 22,28
chalcopyrite 12
charcoal 41
chlorine 20, 40
cobalt sulphide 24
coke 27
combustion 14
compound 15
Contact process 28–29 copper carbonate 34
copper complex 37
copper sulphate 32, 34–37, 42 copper sulphide 12, 13 crash-cooling 7,45
crystals 5,10–11,12,14,33 cubic crystal 12, 13, 15
deflagrating spoon 14 dehydrating agent 26 desert roses 13 dichlorodiethyl sulphide 40
hydrometer 31 hydrothermal vents 8
iron sulphate 15, 32 iron sulphide 15, 24
Lawes,John 43
lead 24,30
lead sulphate 32
lead sulphide 12, 24 lead-acid battery 30–31 lime 34,42
magnesium sulphate 32 medicines 42
Mendeleev, Dmitry Ivanovich methyl benzene 10
nickel sulphide
ore 12,15 oxidises 20 oxygen 14
PeriodicTable 46–47 pesticides 42 photographer’s hypo 33 Plaster of Paris 12, 32 plastic sulphur 7 pollution 18, 19, 22, 23 polymer 38, 39 polymerisation 39 potassium nitrate 41 power stations 22 precipitate 23,36,37 preservatives 42
pyrite 12, 13, 15, 16, 24
ebonite 38
electrolyte 30, 31 electrostatic precipitators Epsom salts 32
ethene 40
equations 48–49
fertilisers 17,29,43 fool’s gold 13
fossil fuels 5, 16 Frasch,Herman 16 Frasch process 16, 17
9, 12, 13, 32
hydrated 35 hydrogen 26 hydrogen sulphide
4, 10, 16, 24–25, 37, 44
minerals 12–13 mineral acid 26, 27 molecule 6 molybdenum 12 monoclinic crystal monomer 38, 39 mustard gas 40
10, 11, 13 12, 25

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