
What is a tomb? A tomb is a place where people are buried, usually a cave, an underground room, or a building for the dead.

Ancient tombs cut into a cliff.

Tombs are places above ground where people are buried. The most spectacular are the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids at Giza. These are giant tombs for just one person.

But there are many more tombs all over the world. Jesus was placed in a tomb, which in that case was a rock-cut tomb with a huge round stone that was used to block the entrance.

There are also many tombs in churches. Some of the most interesting are those from the Middle Ages. Knights coming back from the Crusades, as well as other important people, were buried in tombs with their likenesses (called effigies) put on the top of the tomb. Their bones still lie in the stone caskets below their likenesses.

The video shows you some of these tombs.

Video: a medieval knight's tomb.

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