
What is a stamen? The stamen is the male part of a flower. The tip of the stamen makes pollen.

A cross-section of a flower. The stamens are in a ring. On top of each is an anthers, the pad that makes pollen.

A flower can have many stamens. They may form a ring inside the ring of petals. There are two parts to the stamen: the stalk or filament and the swollen tip called the anther. The pollen is made inside the anther.

When the pollen grains are ready to be released the anther bursts open and turns inside out. The stamens of insect pollinated flowers have thick stalks to prevent the stamen snapping as insects clamber over them. The stamens of wind pollinated flowers have long stalks which hang the anther out in the wind so the pollen may be carried away.

Parts of a flower.
Video: a video shows parts of a flower.

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