
What is a spore? A spore is a tiny capsule produced by fungi and non-flowering plants which allows them to reproduce.

Fungi like this mushroom produce spores from their undersides.

If you look at a mushroom which has an open cap you can see the black gills on the underside. These are the places where the mushroom makes its spores. When the spores are ready to leave they drop from the gills and because they are so light in weight they drift away on the air currents. Inside the spore is a part of the fungus. If the spore lands in a warm moist soil it breaks open and a piece of fungus grows out a thread. The thread feeds and makes more threads and a new fungus grows out into the soil.

Non-flowering plants such as mosses, liverworts, ferns and horsetails also produce spores. They are tiny, like the spores of fungi, and when they land they grow into new plants.

The video below shows fungi. The spores are released from the gills on the underside. The spores are too small to see.

Video: a video of fungi.

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