
What is a rockpool? A rockpool is a natural hollow in coastal rocks that fills with water each day as the tide rises.

Food chains in a rockpool.
Children playing in a rockpool.

Rockpools are some of the most challenging environments for living things. As the tide comes in, so waves crash into the rockpool. As the tide falls, water drains away. In summer the water in the rockpool may heat up before the tide comes back in.

As you can imagine, the living things in a rockpool have to be tough to survive. Some, like limpets and mussels, clink on fast to the rock. Others, like shrimps and small fish, hide between the rocks on the rockpool bed.

At low tide, most try to hide away or protect themselves somehow because it is easy for seabirds to stand on the rockpool edge and hunt for them as food.

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