
What is prey? Prey is animal that is the target of a hunter.

A warthog trying to escape.

Animals which feed on plants are usually eaten by other animals. They are prey to the animals that eat them. For example a rabbit eats grass but is eaten by a fox. It is the prey of the fox. Sometimes an animal that is a hunter becomes the prey of another animal. For example a shrew is a hunter of small insects. The insects are its prey. Shrews are also eaten by owls. The shrews are the owls' prey.

Some birds like owls, hawks and eagles are called birds of prey. This means that they feed or prey on other animals such as mice and rabbits. Birds of prey have sharp claws called talons on their feet for killing their prey and hooked beaks for tearing it up into pieces that can be swallowed.

Video: a video showing the prey of an owl is available by clicking the start arrow.

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