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The Nativity of Jesus, or just the Nativity, describes the birth of Jesus, based on the two accounts in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew.
The Gospels tell how Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, to a virgin mother. In the Gospel of Luke, Joseph and Mary travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census, and Jesus is born there and laid in a manger. Angels proclaim him a saviour, and shepherds come to adore him. In Matthew's version, astronomers follow a star to Bethlehem, carrying Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh as gifts to Jesus, who, they say, is born the King of the Jews. Frightened by this challenge to his authority, King Herod orders the massacre of all the boys less than two years old in Bethlehem, but the family gets to know of this and flees to Egypt. After Herod dies they settle in Nazareth.
This story is celebrated and retold on Christmas Eve and on the morning of Christmas Day. During the forty days leading up to Christmas is the period called Advent, which is to to prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus.