What is litter? Litter is anything that we can't find a use for and that we throw away.
What we throw away at our homes.
What we throw out in the countryside and which causes mess and pollution.
Video: Litter waste / garbage / trash / flotsam.
Waste is something that people create. When we make things, we often make them of many materials that are difficult to reuse. Or they are inconvenient to reuse, or they are too much trouble for us to put somewhere where they can be reused. This is waste, litter, garbage, trash and other names.
There are two parts to this material. One part is often the packaging, which is discarded almost immediately. The other thing is the object itself, which we discard when it has become used up (for example a toothpaste tube), worn out (for example, a pair of socks) or become old-fashioned (for example, a computer).
Many of these things are made of materials that do not easily rot away. Others do rot, but as they do so, they release poisons into the air, the soil or the water.
The world has a limited amount of raw materials, and we are using many of them fast. So it makes sense from every point of view to use as few as possible, and to recycle them wherever we can.
The problem is that some people don't think that way, so they need encouraging. Then our environment will be nicer, healthier and a better place for us all to live.
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