Life cycle

What is a life cycle? A life cycle is the changes that take place from birth, through growing up to adult, old age and death.

The life cycle of a plant.

Living things all share the same pattern: they are born, they grow up and they die. This is called a life cycle.

Everything that has ever lived has had a life cycle. In some living things the life cycle can be very long. Some trees live for thousands of years. People can have quite a long life cycle of 70 years or more. But many things have much shorter life cycles. Many flowering plants, for example, grow up, set seed and die all within a few months. Some insects have a life cycle of just a few days. Bacteria may live for just a few hours.

The video below looks at tadpoles, which show a very dramatic change between parts of a life cycle of a frog.

Video: life cycle of a tadpole.

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