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Jerusalem is high up in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, and is currently the main government location of the state of Israel. It is also one of the oldest cities in the world. It is holy to the three religions of the book — Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Israelis and Palestinians both claim Jerusalem as their capital.
Jerusalem has been the site of battles and revolutions throughout its history. It has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured 44 times.
The origins of Jerusalem date back to 6000 years ago. The present walls are relatively much more recent, built in 1538 by Suleiman the Magnificent. The walled part of Jerusalem is known as the Old City. It is divided into four quarters - the Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Quarters. The Old City is a World Heritage site.
The modern city stretches out in all directions over the hills nearby, and occupies a much greater area than the Old City.
The Biblical foundation of the Old City was when King David established the city as the capital of the united Kingdom of Israel and his son, King Solomon, built the First Temple. However, no trace has ever been found that this first temple was ever built. However, belief in the existence of this First Temple is of enormous importance to the Jewish people.
The holiness of Jerusalem for Christianity involves the early life of Jesus and Jesus's crucifixion there. To Muslims, Jerusalem is the third-holiest city, after Mecca and Medina, the first Qibla, or point for Muslim prayer, and it was there the Q' ran explains that Muhammad made his Night Journey, ascending to heaven to be spoken to by Allah. So this tiny city of about a square kilometre is the place of enormous significance to most of the world's believers. It contains the Temple Mount and Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque.
Jerusalem is still not at peace today because it is one of the most important points of difference between Israelis and Palestinians.
Jerusalem is currently home to 800,000 people, 62% Jews, 35% Muslims and a a few minorities.