
Who was isis? Isis was one of the Ancient Egyptian gods.


Isis was a goddess from Ancient Egypt.

Isis was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife, and protector of nature and magic. She was the friend of all classes of people. Isis was the mother of Horus, the falcon-headed god of kings.

The name Isis means "Throne". Her headdress is therefore a throne (which looks like a modern letter L). The pharaoh was shown as her child, who sat on the throne she provided.

In the typical form of her myth, Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, goddess of the Sky. She married her brother, Osiris, and Horus was born to them. Osiris was then murdered by his brother Set, but Isis brought him to life again.

It was believed that the Nile River flooded every year because of the tears of sorrow which Isis wept for Osiris.

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