
What is fruit? Fruit is the soft material that holds the seeds of a plant.

Many different types of fruit.

Plants continue from one generation to another by making seeds. The seeds begin in flowers and then, after the flower has been fertilised, the base of the flower swells and a juicy fruit develops. This contains that seed(s).

Scientists call anything that contains a seed a fruit. There are two kinds of fruit. There are juicy fruits and there are dry fruits. Some juicy fruits such as the plum or cherry only contain one seed. This has a hard woody coating and is sometimes called a stone. Many juicy fruits, like the orange and tomato, contain many seeds. Dry fruits like the pea pod may open when they are ripe while some like the acorn or hazel nut remain closed.

Notice that when we go shopping, we tend to use a different idea for calling something a fruit. We call dry fruits nuts, and we often call fruits like tomatoes vegetables. This is because, in the shops we name things after how we use them. For your studies, however, you should follow what scientists do.

Video: Apple. There are many other fruit videos in the food section of this website.
Video: Cherry. There are many other fruit videos in the food section of this website.

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