
What is exercise. Exercise is a way of moving the body to make sure we stay healthy.

Children running around in football kit.

Your body is made up of a skeleton that is moved by muscles. Muscles need to be used if they are not to shrink and become weak. That is why we need to exercise.

In the past, people worked with their hands and so did a lot of exercise as they worked. But that is not the case today, which is why we have to find time to exercise.

The way you exercise may be to play a game like football, or you may choose to play on the swings or take your dog for a long, brisk, walk.

The point is, there are many ways of keeping your muscles healthy, but they all involve exercise that makes you get warm and sweat a little. If you do not sweat, you are not doing exercise.

Video: Swings provide exercise because you have to use energy, applying a force through your muscles (including your heart muscle) to swing.

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