
What is an evergreen plant? A plant that is evergreen has leaves all through the year.

An evergreen laurel hedge.

The word evergreen is particularly used to describe certain kinds of trees. An evergreen tree appears green all the year round. This does not mean that it keeps the same leaves all year. In fact evergreen trees lose leaves just like other plants but they do not lose them all at the same time. As some leaves are shed others remain and new ones grow so that at any time there are always leaves on the tree.

Nearly all coniferous trees or conifers are evergreen. An exception is the larch which loses all its leaves in winter. Some broadleaved trees like the holly are also evergreen.

Video: Evergreen cedar conifer compared to deciduous birch.
Video: Pine cones of many sizes.
Video: Pine cones in detail.
Video: Pine trees.

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