Dionysus, Greek god

Who was Dionysus? Dionysus was the god of harvest and merrymaking. He was connected to the theatre.

Dionysus celebrating.

(also spelled Dionysos) Dionysus is unusual because he is a god of mystery. He is connected with madness, drunkenness and death.

Dionysus is the wine-god, and thus should be a nice god, but as wine makes people drunk and causes them to behave in strange ways, the Greeks showed the two sides of wine in the character of Dionysus.

The actors in the plays performed for Dionysus were masked reflecting the fact that wine changes the normal personality of the person who drinks it.

Dionysus induces mass hysteria, he is the god of mob fury. He is reflected in the chorus of many plays. They dance and sing in unison, all chanting the same words. The members of the chorus have no identity, each is merely an insignificant part of the whole, with no separate will.

Dionysus was the patron god of the theatre.

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