Grace Darling

Who was Grace Darling? Grace Darling was a Victorian heroine who saved people who were shipwrecked off the coast of Northumberland.

Grace Horsley Darling portrait.

Grace Darling was one of those people who gets thrust into the news because of something they do. Grace did not seek fame, but because she rescued people from a sunken ship – the Forefarshire – using just an open boat, she became a heroine.

Grace lived with her father who was a lighthouse keeper on the Farne Islands, just off the Northumberland coast. These were the rocks the Forefarshire struck one stormy night in September 1838.

Because they only had a rowing boat, they could not rescue more than five people at a time, so Grace and her father had to go back to the rocks on which the ship had foundered, time after time.

[Introduction video] [Biography] [Teacher link]

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