
What is a conifer? A conifer is a plant that makes seeds in cones.

A conifer branch with cones at the edges

A conifer is a tree that produces its seeds using cones. Cones are an easily-spotted feature of a conifer tree. Most coniferous trees are evergreen, although some, like the larch, are deciduous.

Conifers spread their pollen by the wind. In some times of the year, the male cones ooze yellow pollen, and when a wind blows great clouds of pollen are carried into the air.

The female cones bear the seeds. The seeds open when the cone matures and dries out. Very often that is because of a hot dry summer or a fire. Many conifers can withstand natural fires.

Video: Pine cones of many sizes.
Video: Pine cones in detail.
Video: Pine trees.

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