
What is a cheetah? A cheetah is one of the five large – and the fastest – cats that live on the savannas of Africa.


Cheetahs live in dry forests, scrub forests and savanna grasslands in tropical Africa.

The cheetah is the fastest land animal, made possible by a slender body and deep chest. You can identify it from the solid black spots on its coat, small rounded head, black tear-like streaks on the face, long thin legs and long spotted tail.

The cheetah is much smaller than a lion, being just 1m tall at the shoulder.

Cheetahs do most of their hunting by day, with their main food being antelopes and gazelles. Because these animals are fast, the cheetah has to be even faster if it is to catch them, and it can reach speeds of 110 kmh (70 mph) over short distances, and even 60 kmh (40 mph) for a prolonged run.

Cheetahs have litters of three to five cubs.

When not hunting, cheetahs typically rest on the branches of trees.

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