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Plants use some of their food to make cellulose. This is a strong, flexible material. It is found in every part of the plant including the hairs on seeds such as cotton. Wood is also made from cellulose.
Cellulose was used to make the first plastic - called celluloid. A major source of cellulose is wood that has been mashed up in a hot liquid. This mashed wood is called wood pulp. Some is still used to make celluloid for table tennis balls today.
Cellulose can also be used to make a range of other plastics such as the transparent material called cellophane and a fibre called rayon. To make rayon the wood pulp is mixed with chemicals to make a liquid that looks like honey. This liquid is then forced through holes like those you see in a watering can. As the liquid passes through the holes it makes long strands which are chopped up to make fibres. The rayon is spun into yarn and used to make some kinds of clothing.