It is a member of a group of plants called brassicas, which include broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. They have all been cultivated from wild cabbage.
Cabbages with crinkly leaves are called savoy cabbages. Savoy cabbages were developed in the 16th century, but ordinary cabbages were being eaten 3000 years ago.
It is a plant that will grow in all soils and it was a main part of the diet of Saxons, Vikings and Medieval peoples in general. It was cheap, nutritious and reliable. It went in the pottage.
The most cabbages are now grown in China, but it is popular worldwide.
Most cabbages are boiled, but they can be preserved by pickling. This is called sauerkraut or eaten raw. Cabbage is a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C and dietary fibre.