
What is a baptism? A baptism is the ceremony in which a person is bathed in water as a way of bringing them into the family of the church.

A baby being baptised.

Baptism is a Christian way of bringing people into the community of the church. The symbol for baptism is to use water. Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan by John.

Baptism is also known as christening, although sometimes the word "christening" is used only for the baptism of infants.

Originally, baptism was done by placing the entire body under water. This is what happened to Jesus and is still the way that Baptists and others perform baptism. However, for others it is a symbol of what happened to Jesus and is performed by a priest pouring water over the head of the person being baptised.

Most Christians baptise "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit".

Video: Baptism candles.
Video: Font.

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