
What is an animal? An animal is something that has breath. Animals need to breathe to survive, whereas plants do not.

The late Steve Irwin, famous wildlife expert, and a wild snake.

There are two great groups of living things: plants and animals. Plants use sunlight, water and minerals in rocks to make their tissues. They release oxygen and take in carbon dioxide from the air.

Animals cannot use sunlight directly. They must eat plants or other animals. Animals breathe in oxygen from the air and give out carbon dioxide.

Animals could only begin to develop when plants had provided sufficient oxygen in the world.

Video: Giraffe in Tanzania Giraffe are browsers.
Video: Lions in Kenya. Lions are carnivores.
Video: These elk are migrating herbivores, moving from higher to lower areas with the seasons.
Video: These ducks are omnivores, that is they will eat small animals as well as plants. They live in the same area all year.

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