
Who was Abraham? Abraham was the founder of the Israelites.


Abraham features in Genesis, which is the first book of the Old Testament of the Bible. There are many stories about Abraham. God told Abraham that He would make His descendants into a great nation. He promised them a land of their own. Because he was a man of faith, Abraham, did God's bidding, leaving his home with his wife and nephew while he went to find their promised land.

Abraham was very, very old (the Bible uses the term '99 years old' to mean 'very,very' old), his wife was also very, very old. They had no children. But then God promised them a son. They laughed, but soon after this a son, Isaac, was born to the couple.

When Isaac was still a boy, God told Abraham to sacrifice his son at an altar on a mountaintop. Abraham was tearful, but he knew he must obey God's will. Just before Abraham sacrificed Isaac, God spoke to Abraham and told him to sacrifice a sheep instead. God had been testing the strength of Abraham's faith, and he had passed.

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