Eudimorphodon factsheet bundle
Reading comprehension passage and questions for Years 3-4.
Eudimorphodon factsheet bundle
Reading comprehension passage and questions for Years 5-6.
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Yellowstone National Park
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Darwin and the orang-utan
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Charles Darwin: Victorian scientist
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Buster the boxer puppy
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
The tooth
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Apatosaurus factsheet bundle
Reading comprehension passage and questions for Years 3-4.
Apatosaurus factsheet bundle
Reading comprehension passage and questions for Years 5-6.
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Who discovered the dinosaurs?
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Footprints in the rock
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
My fossil finds
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Galapagos finches
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Tarbosaurus factsheet bundle
Reading comprehension passage and questions for Years 3-4.
Tarbosaurus factsheet bundle
Reading comprehension passage and questions for Years 5-6.
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Fossil skeletons
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
The buried people of Pompeii
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
How geological periods got their names
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
A dinosaur habitat
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
The last mammoth
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Petrified Forest National Park
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Mary Anning: fossil-hunter
Reading comprehension passage and questions.
Moving skeleton
Reading comprehension passage and questions.