Curriculum Visions teacher gases around us resource Can air be detected?
Learn all about whether air can be detected.
Curriculum Visions teacher gases around us resource Shaking peppercorns
Use this experiment to see how substances distribute themselves.
Curriculum Visions teacher gases around us resource Studying scent and smells
Explore scents and smells around you.
Curriculum Visions teacher gases around us resource Hot air detectors
Use this experiment to make a hot air detector.
Curriculum Visions teacher gases around us resource Comparing evaporation
Investigate the process of evaporation.
Curriculum Visions teacher gases around us resource Gas bubbles
Explore gases with this fun experiment.
Curriculum Visions teachergases around us resource Burning a candle in a bowl of water
Discover what happens when you burn a candle in a bowl of water.
Curriculum Visions teacher gases around us resource Fire extinguisher
Use your own fire extinguisher.
Curriculum Visions teacher gases around us resource Which liquids have something dissolved in them?
Discover which liquids have something dissolved in them.
Curriculum Visions teacher gases around us resource Investigating a burning candle
Explore the properties of a candle.