Curriculum Visions teacher magnets and springs resource Looking for springs
Find springs around the classroom.
Curriculum Visions teacher magnets and springs resource Springs and forces
Experiment with springs and forces.
Curriculum Visions teacher magnets and springs resource Investigating flat springs
Experiment with flat springs.
Curriculum Visions teacher magnets and springs resource Investigating guitar strings
Look at how guitar strings work.
Curriculum Visions teacher magnets and springs resource The car catapult
Carry out the car catapult experiment.
Curriculum Visions teacher magnets and springs resource Looking at magnets
Experiment with magnets.
Curriculum Visions teacher magnets and springs resource Testing the strength of magnets
Experiment with magnetic strength.
Curriculum Visions teacher magnets and springs resource Investigating magnetic pushes and pulls
Explore and test magnetic pushes and pulls.
Curriculum Visions teacher magnets and springs resource Magnets and iron filings
Experiment with magnets and iron filings
Curriculum Visions teacher magnets and springs resource Finding directions
Use magnets to help with directions.