Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource The Hindu mandir is a home
Explore what a Hindu mandir is
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Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource Looking at the outside of a mandir
Explore the outside of a mandir
Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource Inside a Hindu mandir
Explore the inside of a Hindu mandir
Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource Focus of worship
Explore the role of various shrines in a mandir
Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource Looking at Murtis
Explore the different symbols and meanings of Hindu gods and godesses
Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource Showing Respect
Explore how Hindus show respect for their gods and godesses
Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource Daily worship
Explore the daily worship of the Hindu faith
Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource Sharing blessings
Explore shared blessings within the Hindu faith
Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource Visible reminders
Explore the ways in which Hindus show their faith
Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource Learning and giving in the mandir
Explore the ways in which the mandir is used for learning and helping
Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource A Hindu story
Explore a Hindu fable
Curriculum Visions teacher hinduism hindu religion religious comprehension activity resource Special days at the mandir
Explore some of the celebrations and festivals that occur at mandirs