Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Loading the cannon
Reading comprehension activity worksheet.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource The armoury and capstans
Learn about weapons on board a Tudor ship.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource The size of a caravel
Work out how big Tudor caravels were.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Columbus' voyage
Map the voyage of Christopher Columbus.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Comparing maps
Compare modern and Tudor maps of the world.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Drake's journey
Map Drake's journey around the world.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Feeding the crew
Calculate the amount of supplies needed for a long sea voyage.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource What we eat then and now
Compare modern and Tudor diets.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource The Inuit
Read the diary of a Tudor explorer.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Finding James Fort
Find the secret location of James Fort.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Jobs on a Tudor ship
Decide which job you would have on a Tudor ship.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Sir John Hawkins, pirate
Make a timeline for the life of John Hawkins.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource In John White's words
Read John White's side of the story.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource What the Tudor explorers did for us
Was the impact of Tudor colonies positive or negative?
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Life at sea
Learn about what life at sea was like in Tudor times.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Encounters with local people
Explore what happened when Tudor explorers met local people.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Magellan's journey
Map the journey of Magellan.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Making faces
Design a Tudor-colonies-style pot.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Maps 2
Explore a map of the world.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource The missing colonists
What do you think happened to the Roanoke colonists?
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Native American towns
Learn about Native American towns.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Northwest Passage
Locate the Northwest Passage on a map.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Portuguese voyages of discovery
Map out voyages made by the Portuguese.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Sir Richard Grenville, pirate
Make a timeline of the life of Richard Grenville.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Animals of Roanoke
Reading comprehension activity worksheet.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Number of settlers
Calculate the number of settlers in the colonies.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Types of ship
Compare types of Tudor ship.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Encounters with Spaniards
What happened when English explorers encountered Spanish ones?
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource St John's
Reading comprehension activity worksheet.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource Timeline
Make a timeline of the history of ocean exploration.
Curriculum Visions teacher tudor age of discovery tudor explorers tudor exploration tudor times history resource A Tudor ship
Lable the parts of a Tudor ship.