Genius tips

Simple tips to make access and use of our website easier, while keeping safe.

Use speech commands to open or search our website without typing

With speech commands enabled on your device say the following to save hours during lesson preparation (Google given as an example):

"Hey Google: curriculumvisions DOT com" (opens home page)

Hey Google: curriculum visions (no more) + search term single word e.g. "Hey Google: curriculum visions lion" (opens a search list with curriculumvisions lion page at the top of the list)

"Hey Google: curriculumvisions river" (opens the river portal)

and so on.

**** Please note it works with just a single key word. Don't say whole sentences!

You can't stop children doing searches for homework at home. So play it safe: Get children used to using

"Hey Google: curriculum visions + [search word]"

and they will always come up with an appropriate term in our locked, safe environment.

All links from that page return inwards to our website. No external links.

Open a zip file with powerpoints on an Android mobile device

We zip some teacher materials because they contain a number of items, and we want to keep them in a folder for you. On a desktop they will unzip automatically, but to unzip them on an Android device, just go to Google Play Android Apps and look for a free zip helper app such as Androzip