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This is your best 'out of hours' support because the query will go to all staff.
If you allow cookies, you should rarely need to login as this will happen automatically. If a login screen comes up on tablets, click 'fill automatically', followed by 'Go'. However, you can also reset your school passwords (but not usernames) from here if you are the official administrator of the school account. (Usernames are set at subscription and cannot be changed in myAccount)
To login to 'myAccount' click here
Contact us by e-mail to (technicalsupport@curriculumvisions.com)with your school details and administrator name or go to 'MyAccount' on the website and have the login details sent to you automatically.
To login to 'myAccount' and retrieve your password click here (username required)
To e-mail click here or use: technicalsupport@curriculumvisions.com
A time-limited free trial is available to school teachers supplying official school details. Use the link below. This will be manually validated and the validation may take some hours. Free trials are not available to individuals or companies.
To get a school free trial click sign in on the top tab strip
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Curriculum Visions is the Primary School division of Atlantic Europe Publishing. We produce and publish highly illustrated, full-colour text books and reference books for schools and libraries throughout the world. Our best-selling authors include Dr Brian Knapp, Lisa Magloff and Peter Riley, who are well known for their innovative books. Our authors and most of our staff have been teachers or have worked in schools and so understand the needs and demands of teachers and schoolchildren. The combination of books and multimedia that we now produce is known by us as 'surround learning'. We currently ADD about 200 digital titles and hundreds of videos to our web site each year, so there is something new every couple of days on average...
The words Curriculum Visions', 'Swish, flip and wiggle' and the logos Curriculum Visions lozenge and Atlantic Europe Publishing compass device are trade marks of Atlantic Europe Publishing Company Ltd, registered in the UK, USA and elsewhere.
In principle the current vacancies are for these qualifications:
A recent graduate with at least a 2.1 or equivalent, or a person about to complete their degree and whose tutor will predict a 2.1
A person passionate about educational publishing online
in one of the most highly-rated digital publishing companies
Our top priority is always for people who are competent at coding, especially javascript and php – our main activity is digital publishing, after all
Someone who can multitask and enjoys working in a small team, and who will be prepared to work 'beyond the call of duty', and who will be enthusiastic about being involved in American as well as UK projects
Someone who is creative and imaginative
In general we do not currently need editors or people looking for general publishing positions
To ask for further information if you meet the criteria above click here