Teachers/Parents: How to teach with CV diagrams
Alex Bedford, super-teacher and advisor has made up some exemplars for you to see how to teach at home as well as in school. They will appear on our home screen from time to time. But here is one so you can see how to turn one of our diagrams into an amazing lesson. This is possible because our diagrams are so detailed and accurate. You can do it for every diagram throughout our books. Scan the picture (permitted use for school/home work if you have a membership), print, paste to a sheet of blank paper, get children to write around it as per the exemplar.
Parents: How to get a free password for use at home
We are an education company serving schools and libraries, rather than the general public. So we don't issue passwords to individuals directly. We think it is important that teachers direct parents about the use of our materials and show how they relate to the curriculum the students are following.
BUT you can get a free password through your school. Just ask them for a Curriculum Visions password. If they haven't signed up for a school free account, just ask them to do that, too. Then they can issue you, and all of the school's parents, with the passwords you need. You will then get free access to all books and videos.