Spiral-shelled sea creatures that lived in oceans.

This is the shell of a squid-like creature. It is unusual because the shell was on the inside.

Bivalve (clam shell)
Bivalve means two valves. A valve is one half of a shell. Some people call shells like this clams, but they include mussels, oysters and so on.

Bone, dinosaur
Explains what the bones of a small dinosaur did.

This is a coral reef rock made by coral animals. The live animals once grew on each of its branches.

This is an ancient animal that once stood up from a rock and waved its arms about, so that it looked more like a plant. Its other name is 'sea lily'.

Reconstruction of a large plant-eating dinosaur.

Fern, Carboniferous
Shows the fossil imprint left by a leaf in stone. Carboniferous is the name of a geological age about 380 million years ago - the time of coal.

Fish are bony animals, and here you can see fish bones 50 million years old.

Another common name for gastropod is snail. This is a sea snail over 100 million years old.

This is a coiled-shell animal like an ammonite, about 200 million years old.

This is a modern coiled-shell sea animal that in some ways looks like what live ammonites would have been like.

Sea urchin
Sea urchins have a bulbous body, which they protect with long spines. That is what you can see here.

Tarbosaurus/ T.Rex
Reconstructs what a famous hunting dinosaur was like.

Tooth, mosasaur
This was a hunting 'dinosaur-like' creature from the sea about 85 million years ago.

This is a creature that looked like a modern woodlouse, but lived in the seas.

Vertebra, dinosaur
This is the fossil (stone) version of one of the backbones of a dinosaur.