These are the buttons for going to teacher resources.
This is the timeline for history topics. It will enlarge and open as a pdf.
Above right is the search button. You can get to this 'toolkit' screen from the search, too. Most useful when students have a specific word in mind.
This is the main textbook. It opens in a new tab or window. To close the book, close the tab or window. On a mobile you can swipe to turn pages and also pull corners. On the top right there is a button for searching within the book. You can also zoom in on a page and drag the page to where you want it. Some books have videos embedded.
These creative topics books cover specific topics and reinforce the main book. The first one also covers Aztec times at the same level as the Maya book.
These creative topics books cover specific topics and reinforce the main book. The first one also covers Aztec times at the same level as the Maya book.
This is the video gallery. It contains all of the videos in the i-topic and more. You can use this if you wish to manage videos rather than have them as part of the i-topic.
This is the picture gallery. It contains a wide variety of pictures to use in projects within your school. Copyright restrictions apply: the material cannot be used in other websites.
These are additional resources, such as biographies or linked books.