Anderson shelter
Make a model Anderson shelter.
The battle begins
Map the movements of aircraft.
Blackout at home
Explore what it was like to live under blackout conditions.
A bombing diary
Read an account of bombing during the Blitz.
A WWII Christmas
Plan for a WWII Christmas.
What we eat then and now
Compare modern and WW2 diets.
Convincing people to eat
Explore the difficulties of rationing.
One day under fire
Sequencing activity worksheet.
What to take for evacuation
Make a checklist for an evacuee.
Evacuation leaflet
Reading comprehension activity worksheet.
A letter from home
Read a letter from a parent to an evacuee.
A letter home
Read a letter sent from an evacuee to home.
Making uniforms
Design uniforms for the Home Guard and more.
Menu for a week
Make a menu for a week during rationing.
Rationing memories
Read memories from people who lived during rationing.
Using speech to convince
Can you write a convincing speech?
Make your own toy
May your own toy.
A Morrison shelter
Make a model Morrison shelter.