Page 11 - Curriculum Visions Dynamic Book
P. 11

crystal systems: seven patterns or systems into which all of the world’s crystals can
be grouped. They are: cubic, hexagonal, rhombohedral, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic.
cubic crystal system: groupings of crystals that look like cubes.
monoclinic system: a grouping of crystals that look like double-ended chisel blades.
saturated: a state where a liquid can hold no more of a substance. If any more of the substance is added, it will not dissolve.
Rhombic crystal
 Sulphur crystals form in two of the crystal systems, monoclinic and rhombic. Those to the left are rhombic crystals of sulphur. Another way to identify them is by their colour: rhombic crystals have an amber colouring; monoclinic crystals (such as those on the far left and below) are bright yellow.
Monoclinic crystal

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